See our Keystone-Standard History page for information on your Keystone-Standard watch. Keystone-Howard watches should not be confused with watches from the Keystone Standard Watch Company which operated in Lancaster, Pennsylvania from 1886 to 1891 when it was sold to the Hamilton Watch Company. For information on original "pre-Keystone" Howard watches, please see our Howard Company History page. Howard watches, though many were fine watches in their own right. Howard brand purchased by Keystone Watch Case Co., 1902. These watches, dubbed "Keystone-Howards" by collectors, are not as highly prized by collectors as original E. Pocket Watch Serial Number Lookup - Hamilton, South Bend, Illinois, Rockford, Waltham & Elgin. they were cased and timed at the factory. Boston U.S.A." and were sold as complete watches only i.e. The watches of the Keystone era are typically marked "E. There were no patent rights transferred, just the use of the "E. Howard" name, at the time one of the most highly-regarded American watch brands, were purchased by the Keystone Watch Case Company in 1902. Howard Watch Company (Keystone) Including Serial Numbers and Production Dates Waltham, Massachusetts 1902 - 1930